Social media content for events located under Social Media or Timeline.
Each event is listed on the Timeline.
January 12, 2017: First Benefit Night Kickoff at Chick-Fil-A
- A staff member from Carolina Outdoor Recreation will represent the facility at a Chick-fil-A benefit night on January 12. The restaurant chain is known for hosting these types of events, and the staff member should be readily available with information to share with customers. Call 919-968-0126 to coordinate the event with the Chick-Fil-A at University Place.
February 6, 2017: Sup Dogs Benefit Water Bottle Fill-Up Night
- A staff member from Carolina Outdoor Recreation will represent the facility at Sup Dogs’ weekly mug night on February 6. On Mondays, customers are allowed to bring their own cups to fill at a reduced price. The staff member should be present to pass out COR water bottles that customers can use for mug night and to share information about COR. Coordinate the event with Sup Dogs at 919-903-9566.
March 6, 2017: Carolina Outdoor Recreation “COR” Benefit Night at Med Deli
- A staff member from Carolina Outdoor Recreation will represent the facility at a Mediterranean Deli benefit night on March 6. The staff member should be readily available with information to share with customers. Contact Mediterranean Deli at 919-967-2666 to coordinate the event and decide on the benefit amount.
April 6, 2017: COR Benefit Night at He’s Not
- On this Thursday we would like to have a benefit night at He’s Not. We would invite all students to come out and pick up their blue cups and receive an COR water bottle with purchase of a blue cup. A staff member from the COR will be there to pass out the water bottles and educate the students with more information about COR. Contact He’s Not at 919-942-7939.
April 8, 2017: 2017 COR Trail Challenge
- We want to incorporate graduation into the trail challenge. It will involve many of the challenges COR has to offer including some of the ropes courses. This event will be open to all, including families as a sort-of “send-off” for the soon-to-be graduates.
May-July: Heavy Social Media Campaign Online to Attract Incoming Students
- We encourage COR to get an un-paid intern. Advertise in J-School, as many students are looking for internships there. Post heavily on social media with videos and pictures of events from the prior year. Anything to keep the students engaged and to make sure they do not forget about COR over the summer.
August: Fall Fest Table
- We encourage COR to have a table at Fall Fest. Hand out stickers and water bottles, t-shirts would also be great to get the students to come over and find out more about them. Attracting freshman will be key in branching out this year.
September 5, 2017: COR Benefit Night at Chick-Fil-A
October 2, 2017: Sup Dogs Benefit Water Bottle Fill-Up Night
November 6, 2017: COR Benefit Night at Med Deli
December 7, 2017: Senior Send-Off Benefit Night at He’s Not
- Similar from the original event at He’s Not, we want students to come out and get a water bottle tonight with the purchase of any blue cup, graduating seniors will get a special sticker with purchase.