To change out the text for the events and benefit night graphics you must first open the illustrator document. Everything on the graphics will be locked down except the text to make it easy to use. You just have to double click the text and enter the new information. You do not have to change the size, color, font only the information.
To export to PNG’s you will need to click file, export, export as. You will be directed to a box where you can choose where to save it and what it is called. I suggest leaving the current name and adding the event/benefit title: for example “COR_benefit_template_supdogs.png”. You then need to click format. There will be a dropdown and you need to click PNG (PNG is for web-use only). Then you need to check “Use Artboards” and make sure “All” is selected. You can now click export. The individual graphics will all be exported into your selected folder and Illustrator will add to the title “twitter”, “FBcover” etc. So that you now where each of them should be used.